Sunday, October 09, 2005

Updating already?

That's right, I was here just three days ago, but I'm back at the internet cafe. We are still training hard, but on Sundays we have the day off. Earlier I washed all my clothes by hand. That was quite a chore, and now my knuckles are rather raw. Fortunately one of the girls who works for my family helped me out. Tomorrow I will start observing math classes in Kihonda Secondary School. I'll probably observe three or for classes, and then teach my first lesson. Friday we practiced teaching to each other in our language groups, and I think I did ok for the most part. I need to speak slowly and carefully because my students will not be that proficient in English, and I need to practice writing on the chalk board because I'm not used to that and my hand writing is terrible. I'm feeling good about it though. My organization was good and I think I am able to present the material in a way that will be understood.

Communication is improving day to day. I am getting much better at understanding what people say to me. Most of the time I'll still struggle to find the words to respond, but I'm definately making progress. I'm still impatient for training to finish so I can get to my site. I believe it's seven more weeks before I swear in.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew, I had no doubt that you would make great progress. Bad handwriting runs in the family so don't worry. Forget the make money fast - sounds like a scheme, and I know that is not your goal. Keep the blogs coming! Your Hickory Gran.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Andrew! You may not know me, but I'm a member of First Pres and I got your blog address from your mom. I'm enjoying hearing about your journey and look forward to hearing more! I added you to a prayer chain at work the day you left - over 100 people prayed for safe travel and are continuing to remember you and your ministry.


Dalen said...

Man, i here you on the damn long training crap. I still got another week of fire training and then i am getting shipped to either New Orleans or somewhere near for disaster releif. It also looks like i might come back as a team leader, so maybe i wont get out for two years as well. How do you say "youre hot lets make out" in Swahilli? Can you bring me back a spear? much love, --DAlen

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,

I'm very excited for you, this assignment seems to be a perfect fit for you. I know you will do great. I have not been reading your blogs lately, but I promise to do so in the future. Tanzania is very lucky to have you. I saw the website at IH last week and I thought " I bet they miss Andrew"

Take care,


Anonymous said...


I talked with the East Africa desk at PC today. They're very helpful and said I can send your glasses through them.

I hope you can post again Sunday.


Jess said...

Hi Andrew -

Washing your clothes by hand builds character, right? Glad to stay connected even from so far away. You have lots of folks keeping you in prayer and very proud of you here at First Pres.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Andrewinafrica!!

So glad you're keeping an electronic journal and sharing it
with us! I am most interested in
your impressions of Africa and will look forward to any conclu-
sions that you might draw from
your experiences.

I'm keeping an eye on your mother
watching for signs of severe son-
deprivation! I will be able to
empathize with her!

The very best of luck! I know that you'll be successful. Since
you'll teach in a secondary school, remember to let me know
if you need for us to send you
any school supplies.

Take care and I'm so proud of you!
Judith Millar/First Pres.

Andrew said...

Thanks for the comments and support. The beer's pretty good, by the way, and the Tanzanian brands have appropriate names like Kilimanjaro, Serenghetti, and Safari (safari is actually the Swahili word for journey).