Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas from Bukoba

It's Christmas Eve in Bukoba, and most of the lake PCVs are up here to celebrate Christmas. I took a long ferry ride across Lake Victoria to get here yesterday, but it's certainly been worth it. The PCVs up here have great sites and it's really beautiful on the western shore of Lake Victoria.

This will be the first Christmas in my memory that I haven't spent in Polk County with my mom's side of the family, so that's real sad. I hate to miss the annual event, but I'm glad I'll at least get to spend Christmas with some people I'm close to. Have a great Christmas in Columbus and I'm sorry I can't be there!

Not too much to report right now. Things at site are starting to feel normal so I'm having an easier time of things but just the same I'm glad to have this little trip. After this it'll be about ten weeks before I'm allowed to leave site again for more than one night. Fortunately now that I have some buddies at the school, that won't be a problem. So anyway, Merry Christmas everyone, and of course, Happy New Year.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and all the best for 2006!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


We missed you in Columbus, but it was great to talk with you Christmas Day.

I hope your Christmas packages will arrive soon.



Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! It's two days late, but I'm sure I'm somewhere within the 12 days, right? Christmas was good. I hung out with Mom, Dad, and Nate most of the day and around 3 Uncle Doug, Aunt Hilda, and Noah came over for some nosh and merriment. Kellie came up too, later in the evening. I successfully avoided any political arguments with the rather conservative Uncle Doug, though there were some close calls. Noah was pretty chill, and somehow his voice hasn't changed though he's past 15. I'm afraid the boy might be permanently 12. I played a song about drug addiction for everyone, and it went over well depite being decidedly un-Christmasy.

Yesterday, Kellie, Nathan and I went out to lunch with Chenoweth and Funky Fresh. Both of them seem to be doing pretty well. Fun times were had.

I'm actually back at work already. Gotta finish up this project by the end of January. Then whoknowswhat. I'll try and write you soon.


Dalen said...


u wanna go snowboarding on the 2nd? do they have snowboarding anywhere near you?


Anonymous said...

Hi Kiddo, We tried twice to call you from Michigan on Christmas Day. It was cold and 6 inches of snow. The munchins are in Harbor Springs beginning today for skiing and Kylie snowboarding which she prefers. Kenny met me at Charlotte Airport with the Susie. She was glad to see her mom and escape Murphy. You looked pretty awsome in your African ? in the group photo. Glad you had company for Christmas, we all thought about alot. Love, Gran

Andrew said...

Thanks for the comments. Mr. Chairman, the chimp park is unfortunately hard and/or expensive to get to, but well worth it I'm sure. I hear you can interact with them. I'm personally pretty excited about making a trip there. Thanks for the Christmas wishes everyone, and have a happy new year.