Saturday, June 10, 2006

Pan African Mulletfest 2006

Right now I'm up in Moshi for a few days to visit the Kilimanjaro area, an area with a high density PCV population, and break up the ridiculous 31 hour bus ride from Dar to Mwanza. In Service Training with the group I spent to months with in Morogoro was great. The highlight was beyond a doubt Mulletfest 2006. That's right, about ten of the guys and one very brave lady in my group grew our hair out in order to have a mullet cut this past week. We even had shirts made. My new look is pictured above. Unfortunately it's hard to see the hair in the photo, but I think the mustache is the best part anyway. I also figure you can't go wrong with a Tanzanian flag headband. Somehow I think I have stumbled on my natural state. Oh, and by the way, with the mullet I am no longer known as Andrew, mild-mannered Peace Corps Volunteer, but as the obnoxious redneck "Jugs." My fellow PCV Justin (down in the deep south, very, very far away from me) posted more photos here.

The whole week was a really great time. We were a really close training group and most of them I hadn't seen in a little over six months, so it was great. It's also amazing to compare notes with other volunteers and hear about the differences in the different parts of the country. Unfortunately it'll be another six months before we're together again, but right now I'm taking advantage of vacation time and visiting some other volunteers. And in just over a week, my dad and brother will be arriving so it should be a great school break. So I'll check in again soon. Have a great summer everyone. So far mine's been great.


Anonymous said...

Safi sana.


Dalen said...

How do you say "man its hot as hell in louisiana in the summer" in KiaSwa? What are the temps like there jugs?

My cool new name is Leroi.

I am done in a few weeks, then i think its off to the woods to keep them from burning (or maybe encourage them to burn). Youre almost halfway right?

miss you man. Wanna hike the AT in 2008 with me and Chris?


Andrew said...

Hey, y'all. Actually, Mwanza ain't that hot at all. Much better than North Carolina actually. Now Dar es Salaam and Morogoro is a whole nother story. Mwanza doesn't get much above 80 and seldom below 60. Perfect weather, though the sun is pretty "kali" or fierce. When you're on the equator you have no idea how much difference shade makes. Dalen, 2008 is way to far ahead for me to think, but I'll let you know. Actually I'm maybe about a third of the way through. Still more than 17 months to go.
Later on,

Anonymous said...

Hey. How is there? How is my house? I'm worrying about unexpected guest.. Anyway I'm so busy(and happy b/c food and my people) here and frankly i don't wanna go back to there. kk

Andrew said...

Hey Cha (for my loyal readers he's the Korean volunteer at my school). Glad you're enjoying the trip. I just got back into town yesterday, but I'll check on your house for you. Enjoy the rest of your trip, and if you don't come back, can I have your fridge?